- Elementary Schools
- Student Information
- Progressive Discipline Plan - Plan De Disciplina Progresiva
Schoolwide Progressive Discipline Plan
The Sun Valley philosophy is to provide a challenging academic program in a safe, nurturing environment.
Positive Behavior & Intervention Supports
As Sun Valley Elementary School, all students are taught our schoolwide expectations that we show our Lion Pride by being:
- Safe
- Respectful
- Responsible
When students demonstrate these positive and expected behaviors on campus, they will earn "High Paws." These tickets can be redeemed once per month for various prizes and school events, such as dress-up days.
Additionally, we are a Restorative Practices school. We work with our students through all of their choices to support them in identifying why they have chosen to engage in particular behaviors, how their behavior may have impacted others, and which alternative behaviors they could have tried and will do differently next time. We then support our students in finding ways to restore any relationships in need of repair following an incident. It is important to understand that restorative practices do not supplant student consequences, rather it is a set of practices intended to help students take ownership of their actions while restoring and maintaining their sense of belonging within the school community after any harm has occurred.
Schoolwide Progressive Discipline Plan
- Step one: Warning
- Step two: Re-teach expectation + teacher determined intervention
- Step three: Minor behavior referral + parent contact
- Step four: Buddy room + minor behavior referral + parent phone call
If a student has received 3 minor behavior referrals previously for same behavior = major behavior referral + parent phone call