• Hidden Valley


Home of the Huskies

  • Hidden Valley Elementary2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR

    On behalf of our school community, we welcome you to Hidden Valley Elementary where we all work together to develop in our students the capacity to become independent life-long learners and to equip them with the skills and knowledge to pursue their goals.

    School hours are 9:00am - 3:00 pm. Every Wednesday school will be released at 2:15 pm. 
    We are located at 2115 Alphabet Drive, Reno, NV 89502.
    LITTLE CAESARS PIZZA FUNDRAISER: The Hidden Valley PTO is running a fundraiser at Little Caesars for the entire month of September. Just mention our school when making your purchase and Hidden Valley will receive a percentage of the sales. 
    OTIS SPUNKMEYER/CLUB'S CHOICE FUNDRAISER: Starts September 23rd through October 15th. Catalog packets will be sent home on Sept. 23rd. Orders will arrive on Nov. 14th.
    PTO SPONSORS: Our PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) is looking for Silver ($500), Gold ($1000), and Diamond ($1500) sponsors for this school year. Your donation will support family events, school improvements, and staff/student appreciation. Your company will be recognized on a banner outside our campus.


    An outstanding feature of our school is the very strong sense of community that prevails. Teachers and parents share a joint responsibility for helping each child develop his or her talents and abilities and consequently, strong partnerships are forged between the home and school environments. Parental involvement in all facets of the school is always welcomed and valued.

    A highly dedicated and professional band of teachers work tirelessly to ensure that a rigorous and relevant curriculum is brought to life on a daily basis in all classrooms. Student achievement is monitored closely by each teacher and developmentally structured classroom programs cater for the individual needs of students within a culture of academic excellence. 

    Students at Hidden Valley Elementary are taught how to care and support each other, as well as to respect everyone’s individual differences. Our focus on social emotional awareness teaches our children how to get along, how to be persistent and confident, as well as how to be organized and resilient.


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