Parking Lot Procedures

  • It is our  number one priority to keep all of our students, staff, and parents safe while here on our school campus. Last year, we experienced an increase in safety concerns in our parking lot and surrounding streets. To mitigate this, we have repainted curbs, will be increasing signage, and we are also looking for parent volunteers to support in parking lot spervision. Please contact the office at 775-674-4420 if you are interested in supporting us as a Parking Lot Parent Volunteer. We are asking that ALL families adhere to the parking lot and driving expectations to keep everyone safe.

    Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with some of the following parking lot procedures:

    • The front parking lot off Leon Drive is for bus loading and unloading ONLY from 9:10 - 9:30 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. the front parking lot is for staff parking and parent use from 9:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., only when there are no busses present in the front parking lot.
    • If the orange cones are placed out in the front parking lot entrance or busses are parked there, please do not enter the parking lot.
    • Please be aware of the "Do Not Enter" and "No Parking" signs at the front parking lot and do not enter the parking lot.
    • There is a Parent Pick-up, AKA "Kiss and Drop" area behind (east) the school building. Please meet your child here after school. Parents are expected to drop off and pick up their students without exiting their cars. Please pull up alongside the green curb and remain inside your vehicle while your students load/unload from your vehicle independently. Please pull forward as space along the green curb becomes available. Please arrive early, be patien, and alert to the traffic patterns.
    • Student are not permitted to step off the green without an adult escort.
    • Please do not double park or park in areas that are not parking spaces or that block the crosswalk when stopped at a stop sign or while waiting to make a turn.
    • Please stop and yield to pedestrians using the crosswalks.
    • Avoid any distractions while driving and remind your children to do the same when walking to and from school.
    • Please remember to obey all traffic laws and the traffic patterns that have been put in place here at Sun Valley Elementary and in the community along your commute.

    Parent Parking Lot Committee

    If you would like to join our Parent Parking Lot Committee, we will be holding trainings for interested parents throughout the year. Please contact our Family and Community Engagement Liaison, Odalis Gusman, at Sun Valley ES at 775-674-4420 if you would like to volunteer to be a part of this very important Parent Parking Lot Task Force. Together, we can help our children and our students have a safe experience coming to and from school. We would appreciate your support in following and enforcing these safety expectations in our parking lot and surrounding areas.


    Traffic Patterns around Sun Valley Elementary

    Image indicates that vehicles should only enter the school parking lot via the south entrance and exit out the north entrance. Traffic patter is only one direction.
    Please note that there should not be any parking nor loading/unloading in the areas marked in red, including:Image indicates no parking zones, including the south west corner of the school property in front of the playground, along the west shoulder of Leon Drive across the street from the parking lot, nor on the corners of Fifth and Leon and Woods and Leon.

    • parking within 30 feet of any intersection, including the ones at Leon Dr. and E. 5th Ave., and Woods Dr. and E. 5th Ave.

    • along the west side of Leon Dr on the dirt shoulder. This causes Leon Drive to become too narrow, reduces visibility for cars, as well as creates a bottleneck of traffic for all.

    • the southeast side of Leon Dr. in front of the playground. This causes Leon Dr. to become too narrow, reduces visibility for cars, as well as creates a bottleneck of traffic for all.
    • the red curb in our Leon Dr. parking lot. This area is reserved for school buses only. Cars parked here, even for a short time, block the parked cars when they are trying to exit. This includes during our before- and after-school programming hours. Please find a parking spot and exit your vehicle. All student drop off is to be conducted on the east side our campus at the "Kiss and Drop."

    • the south side of School Lane. School Lane is a shared road between the school and the home owners along that street. Please ONLY park on the school side of the street (along the school fence line), so that you are not parking on private property. Lastly, be mindful not to park in front of the Fire Lane, which is about halfway down the street.