Infinite Campus

  • Infinite Campus is the WCSD student information system. It is accessible to staff and parents from any computer that has internet access. Infinite Campus allows you to follow your student's progress throughout the year, as well as communicate with the teachers. We recommend that you check your child's Infinite Campus at least monthly, if not weekly.

    Please keep your Infinite Campus password until your child graduates. If you have a change in phone number or address, please notify the office so that your Infinite Campus can be updated and teachers know how to best get ahold of you.

    Some of the advantages of checking your Parent Portal on a daily/weekly schedule are:

    • Grades
    • Class assignments
    • Attendance
    • Behavior
    • To-do list of assignments that are due or overdue
    • Assessment data (State testing results - SBAC, MAP, etc.)
    • Immunization records
    • Family calendar that organizes all of your children even if they attend different schools
    • A graduation planner

    If you have any questions regarding your parent portal, please call Ms. Odalis Gusman, our wonderful Family and Community Engagement Liaison, and she will be happy to assist you.