• Donner Springs

  • Donner Springs Elementary School:
    5125 Escuela Way
    Reno, NV 89502

    Office Phone Number:
    (775) 689-2626

    Office Hours:
    8:30 to 4:00

    School Hours:
    9:30 to 3:30


Upcoming Events

  • There are no upcoming events to display.

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  • Counseling

    Do you need information, resources

    or help during this COVID-19 Crisis? 
    Your School Counselors, Safe School Professionals, and School Social Workers are still here for you

    and your family 
    ¿Necesita informaciõn, recursos, o ayuda durante la crisis del coronavirus? 
    Sus consejeros escolores, profesionales de la escuela segura, y trabajadores 

    sociales de la escuela todavia están aqui para usted y su familia




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