Bullying & Harassment

  • The administration and staff at Sun Valley Elementary School take bullying reports very seriously. Please let your child know that if they do not feel safe they must notify their teacher, administrator or any staff member of the school so that we can assist your child immediately. Please call the school at 77-674-4420 if you have any questions or concerns about this issue.

    For more information about the WCSD's bullying policies and procedures, please read the pamphlets linked below.

  • Bullying Pamphlet (Spanish)

    Como lo exigen los Estatutos Revisados de Nevada, las escuelas tienen el deber de crear y proporcionar un entorno de aprendizaje seguro y respetuoso para todos los estudiantes, libre de acoso escolar y ciberacoso. Por favor, lea este folleto para obtener más información.

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  • Bullying Pamphlet

    As required by Nevada's Revised Statutes, schools have a duty to create and provide a safe and respectful learning environment for all students that is free of bullying and cyberbullying. Please read this pamphlet for more information. 

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