- Elementary Schools
- Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS)
Inskeep Elementary
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Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
PBIS is an evidence-based framework that we use as our foundation for student expectations across campus. Just like families have expectations at home, eating out at different locations, vacation time, etc., we have different expectations for locations around campus.
Students are positively reinforced in many ways:
- Verbal Praise (specific to demonstrated behavior)
- Feathers & Talons (token economy system)
- Dojo Points
- Eagle Store where students shop once a month with their feathers/talons/Dojo points
- Class Eagle Feathers where the whole class earns a feather and after earning 10, the class gets a reward (each class determines what they are working toward)
- Positive behavior reports - phone calls home, post cards, Dojo messages, etc.
- RISE Award - one student is selected from each class per month and names announced over the intercom and given out at quarterly awards ceremonies for following the behavior matrix
- Principal's Award - one student per class per quarter for displaying and exceeding RISE behaviors and academics
- Honor Roll - grades 1-5 for mostly having A's or S+'s (no more than 1 B or S)
- Growth Award - K-2nd for showing academic growth
- Academic Excellence - 4th and 5th grades for having all A's all year (given at the end of the year)
- Michael Inskeep Legacy Award - 5th Grade only
Below is a snapshot of our Behavior Matrix and a link to the document is here.