• Inskeep a week before opening:





    Pictures of Inskeep progress will be limited due to most of the working taking place inside - walls, drywall, and interior design components. Exciting!



    Picture of Inskeep progress September 2020:

      Pic 2   


    Pictures of Inskeep progress August 2020:


    Aug 2


    Pictures of Inskeep progress July 2020:

    Near elevator


    2nd Story


    Picture of waving workers as they build the second story (June 2020):

    Classroom 2nd Story



    Picture of the future music room, stage, and multipurpose room (May/June 2020):

    Music Stage



    This picture shows classrooms on the ourter edge and learning hub spaces in the middle (May 2020):

    Learning Hub Space

Last Modified on August 16, 2021