- Elementary Schools
- School Performance Information
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Stead Elementary School has been identified as a Comprehensive School for Improvement and with that, we qualify for additional monitoring of our school goals, student data, professional development, and family engagement.
Please see links for additional information.
Current School Performance Plan for 2023-3024 School Year:
Stead Elementary School
Student Success Goal
A minimum of 50% of students in all grade levels will make their typical growth target on their ELA Iready diagnostic from Fall to Spring. We will implement a PLC data form 1 for ELA a month and 1 for math a month. With use of common assessment and Iready data we will monitor student growth and use to make informed instructional decisions.
To support students to achieve this goal, we will:
- Map
- IReady
- Common Assessments
Student, Staff, and Family Partnerships Goal
Within the first 10 weeks of school, an effective and consistent PLC structure and intervention times will be established that focuses on student data and drives instruction (tier 1,2,3) as evidenced through artifacts, surveys, and SBAC results (as indicated in SPP goal 1). GLAD and ELLevation strategies will be incorporated in each classroom. This will be measured by Agendas, Lesson Plans, and Iready Diagnostic data.
To support students and families to achieve this goal, we will:
- Map
- Common assessments
- PLC Data Forms
- Grade level Data shares in Winter and Spring
Resources for Parents and Families
Quick Tips for Parents and Families
Resource Links
Get involved! Contact Carolyn Lopez for information about volunteering with our school.
Infinite Campus Parent Portal
See your child’s grades, assignments, attendance information and important updates
Stay connected! Let the front office know if your phone number, email or home address has changed.
Family Resource Centers
Basic needs assistance, resource referrals, and help with accessing services like SNAP
Know your child’s teachers! We are here to support your child’s learning journey.
Care Solace
Free and confidential help to access mental health care providers in your community
Stead Elementary School AB219 Corrective Action Plan (CAP) 2020-2021:
See below for current updates and progress monitoring of our data and action steps:
CIP- SPP Event 7 Progress Monitoring
Here is an explanation in detail about being a CSI school: