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- ATSI Progress Check 1 2.24.24
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Measuring the progress of a school’s strategies directly impacts the likelihood of reaching goals. It is important to assemble the CI Team regularly to assess the status and quality of implementation and, in turn, adjust daily work in response to this assessment to achieve the intended outcomes.
Purpose: Status Checks provide the space for the CI Team to reflect on the data and progress related to the Improvement Strategies noted in the SPP Roadmap across the three Inquiry Areas and develop next steps according to the analysis and needs.
Directions: As a CI Team, complete the following steps for each improvement strategy.
Step 1: Review the Findings/Visualizations slides within the Status Check slide deck. These will need to be updated prior to each Status Check.
Step 2: Reflect on the Now, Next, Need questions noted in the slide deck.
Step 3: Fill in the appropriate cells for each Status Check. You may use the tables starting on page 2 if this handout or use the Status Checks: Navigating Our Course Spreadsheet to track and monitor progress.
Rate the overall status of the improvement strategy using one of the following:
Strong - on track
At Risk - requires some refinement and/or support
Needs Immediate Attention - requires immediate support
Identify specific Lessons Learned (Now), Next Steps and Needs
After each Status Check update the overall Status in the At A Glance table on page 2 of this handout. This table can be shared with staff, families, and other school partners to provide an update on the SPP Roadmap. This may also be used with district staff to show progress over time.
Glossary Terms
Status check - focused dialogue that takes place across the Status Checks where teams use data to understand the impact of the Improvement Strategies, monitor progress toward school goals, and make adjustments/decisions based on learnings and challenges.
Navigating Our Course At A Glance
Fill in the tables below with school Goals, Improvement Strategies, and Intended Outcomes. After each Status Check, copy and paste Strong, At Risk, or Needs Immediate Attention to the Status Check # Status column determined by the Status Check’s activities on the following pages.
Student Success
School Goal 1: By Spring 2024, we will increase overall Math scores as outlined: •3rd grade 4% growth in Math on SBAC 46% to 50% level 3/4 • 4th grade 5% growth in Math of SBAC 46% to 51% level 3/4 • 5th grade 6% growth in Math of SBAC 44% to 50% level.
Improvement Strategies
Intended Outcomes
Status Check 1 Status
Status Check 2 Status
Teachers will utilize PLC time to review vocabulary words, create formative assessments and checks for understanding and review curriculum and pacing guides
Teachers will use data to plan instruction and collaborate on strategies to support student improvement.
Update after Status Check 2
Adult Learning Culture
School Goal 2: Teachers will regularly meet in student-centered, highly effective, and impactful PLCs as evidenced by a common notetaker.
Improvement Strategies
Intended Outcomes
Status Check 1 Status
Status Check 2 Status
Teachers will meet weekly in grade level or vertical PLC teams to discuss student progress, analyze data, and meet the individual needs of students
Teachers meeting together to plan, collaborate and discuss student progress to continue to build our culture of adult learning
Update after Status Check 2
School Goal 3: As measured by the School Climate Survey and a school created survey measure, students will increase their scores on engagement and connectedness.
Improvement Strategies
Intended Outcomes
Status Check 1 Status
Status Check 2 Status
Implementation of classroom circles in every classroom, at least once a week
Students will be provided opportunities to connect and build relationships at school
At Risk
Update after Status Check 2
Status Check 1
Student Success
School Goal 1: By Spring 2024, we will increase overall Math scores as outlined: •3rd grade 4% growth in Math on SBAC 46% to 50% level 3/4 • 4th grade 5% growth in Math of SBAC 46% to 51% level 3/4 • 5th grade 6% growth in Math of SBAC 44% to 50% level.
Improvement Strategies
Intended Outcomes
Status Check 1 Status
Teachers will utilize PLC time to review vocabulary words, create formative assessments and checks for understanding and review curriculum and pacing guides
Teachers will use data to plan instruction and collaborate on strategies to support student improvement.
Lessons Learned (Now)
Strategy 1 Our 3rd graders are still catching up from COVID years. They struggle with language and problem solving skills in all subjects.
Strategy 2:
Strategy 3:
Strategy 4:
Next Steps:
Strategy 1: : Continue with vocab work and I Ready lessons to boost foundational understandings.
Strategy 2:
Strategy 3:
Strategy 4:
Strategy 1:
Strategy 2:
Strategy 3:
Strategy 4:
Adult Learning Culture
School Goal 2: : Teachers will regularly meet in student-centered, highly effective, and impactful PLCs as evidenced by a common notetaker.
Improvement Strategies
Intended Outcomes
Status Check 1 Status
Teachers will meet weekly in grade level or vertical PLC teams to discuss student progress, analyze data, and meet the individual needs of students
Teachers meeting together to plan, collaborate and discuss student progress to continue to build our culture of adult learning
Lessons Learned (Now)
Strategy 1:
Strategy 2:
Strategy 3:
Strategy 4:
Next Steps:
Strategy 1:
Strategy 2:
Strategy 3:
Strategy 4:
Strategy 1:
Strategy 2:
Strategy 3:
Strategy 4:
School Goal 3: : As measured by the School Climate Survey and a school created survey measure, students will increase their scores on engagement and connectedness.
Improvement Strategies
Intended Outcomes
Status Check 1 Status
Implementation of classroom circles in every classroom, at least once a week
Students will be provided opportunities to connect and build relationships at school
At Risk
Lessons Learned (Now)
Strategy 1:
Strategy 2:
Strategy 3:
Strategy 4:
Next Steps:
Strategy 1: Reminders for staff to facilitate weekly circles or other types of check-ins
Strategy 2:
Strategy 3:
Strategy 4:
Strategy 1:
Strategy 2:
Strategy 3:
Strategy 4: