Monthly Counseling

Counseling Themes and Lessons

February ♥ Kindness Month ♥

♥ How to fill your bucket

Kindness week 2/12 thru 2/16

♥ Focusing on the community and gathering items for the Karma box

♥ Kindness assembly 2/16 featuring Grant Denton


March ♣ Stranger Danger ♣

♣ CAP (Child Assault Protection) for 2nd and 4th grade

♣ How to be safe at school and home (K, 1st, 3rd, & 5th)

SHARE for 5th grade 3/18 thru 3/22

♣ SHARE information link:


April ◊Testing ◊

◊ Strategies for testing 


May $ Careers $

$ What do you want to be when you grow up?

Career Week 5/13 thru 5/17

$ Career night 5/14

$ Career information link: