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- Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports
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PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) is a proactive behavioral approach to improve school safety and promote positive behavior. The focus of PBIS is prevention, not punishment.
How PBIS Works
The goal of PBIS is to promote good behavior and enhance the educational experience for the entire school community-students, educators, and parents.
PBIS includes three tiers of student support. The support each student receives depends on their specific needs.
Tier 1 practices include strategies, supports, and interventions that apply to all students. Examples of Tier 1 practices include
- Working together with students and families to define positive behavior expectations school-wide (see matrix below).
- Teaching appropriate behavior to all students. At Desert Heights, students learn expected behaviors for each common area through explicit instruction and opportunities to practice and receive feedback.
- Rewarding expected behavior and responding to unwanted behavior in an instructional way. We use verbal praise, CoyoteCash and Positive Paws to reinforce students who are following our HOWL expectations.
Tier 2 addresses the needs of about 10-15% of students. Examples of Tier 2 practices include:
- Increasing adult supervision
- Providing individualized positive reinforcement opportunities.
- Enhancing school-family communication.
- Providing additional instruction and reminders to address individual needs.
Tier 3 supports and interventions are for the 3-5% of students who are not responding to Tier 1 and Tier 2 supports. Tier 3 strategies are highly individualized and may include the following:
- Counseling
- Mentoring
- Behavior meetings
The Benefits of PBIS
PBIS has been shown to increase positive student behavior and decrease negative behavior in classroom and schools.
- PBIS improves student academic performance and social-emotional development.
- PBIS reduces bullying, office referrals, and suspension.
- PBIS helps students and educators feel safer and more engaged in their school community.
What Parents Can Do
PBIS works best when parents and educators
Work together to support student success.Discuss the school’s rules and expectations with your student. Make sure they understand and can follow them. If you or your student have a question or concern about our PBIS framework.
Consider implementing PBIS at home. Together with your student, define positive behaviors clearly (for example, stick to a homework schedule, keep room clean, be home by curfew). Then define rewards for behaving positively (video game time, weekly allowance, or social privileges).
HOWL Matrix
Positive Behavior Supports
- Positive PAWS
- Coyote Cash
- Positive Behavior Referral
- Coyote of the Week
- Coyote of Excellence
- Super Sub Slip