• Hello! My name is Erin Reaney. I am happy to be joining the Natchez Elementary School Family as the School Counselor. I look forward to meeting all your kiddos and offering my support as they navigate a successful school year! I will be providing guidance lessons for all classrooms covering topics such as kindness, emotional regulation, resilience, self-esteem, SMART Goals, and many more! In addition to guidance lessons for all students, I will also be facilitating small group and individual counseling. If you feel that your child could benefit from small group or individual counseling, reach out to me, and we can discuss what it will look like, and I can answer any questions you have. My goal this year and beyond is to ensure that all students are set up for successful learning by ensuring they have the tools and skills to be mentally, emotionally, and socially regulated and grounded. I want each kiddo to feel empowered to build successful relationships, overcome challenges, and reach their potential in and outside the classroom.

    I welcome parents and caregivers to reach out to me with any questions or concerns they have regarding their students or the counseling program. I have many mental health resources for children and families that I would be happy to provide as needed. I look forward to getting to know you, your families, and your students!


    Erin Reaney


    (775) 351-1902