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THE WCSD PROMISE We will know every student by name, strength, and need so they graduate prepared for the future they choose, and we will deliver on this promise in partnership with our families and community.
250 Bridge Street
Verdi, Nevada 89439
Office: (775) 345-8100
Fax: (775) 345-7277
Meet Verdi's PFA Board
Click the link below to view the video
Nevada Reading Week March 3-7, 2025
Friday February 28th – Reading week kick off assembly with author Terri Farley. (Thank you PFA for paying for this assembly). Wear your favorite color.
Sunday March 2nd – Verdi Elementary School Barnes & Noble Store Bookfair (5555 S. Virginia St. Reno) and online bookfair. Please join us at the Reno store for a Dr. Seuss story time at 1pm (Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!) and Terri Farley’s book signing at 2pm.
Monday March 3rd – Dress up as your favorite Dr. Seuss character or your favorite character in a book. Kindergarten - 5th grade home reading bingo card.
Tuesday March 4th – Spring Pictures. Create/decorate a bookmark for the theme “Color Our World With Books.” Kindergarten - 5th grade home reading bingo card.
Wednesday March 5th – Wacky Wednesday, wear your clothes backwards, inside out, or mismatched. Kindergarten - 5th grade home reading bingo card.
Thursday March 6th – Read a shirt or hat day. Wear your favorite shirt or hat with a message/writing. Kindergarten - 5th grade home reading bingo card.
Friday March 7th – Pajama day and read all afternoon. Turn in your home reading bingo card (signed by a parent/guardian) to your teacher to be entered into a drawing to win a free book from Mrs. Cook. One student from each class will win a free book.
2025 Nevada Reading Week T-Shirt Orders
2025 Nevada Reading Week T-Shirts.pdf
Click here for the Reading Log: Monthly Reading Log
As you may have heard, the grant that funded free school lunches for the past few years will end with the 23-24 school year. For your child to receive free school lunches for the first 30 days of the 24-25 school year, you will need to fill out a meal application now. You will need to fill it out again after July 1, 2024, to cover the rest of the new school year.
The meal application can be found by going to WashoeSchools.net, clicking on the Meals icon and then clicking on Online Meal Application. The Meal Application Guideline page outlines the parameters to qualify for free/reduced lunches. Please allow 7 – 10 days to be notified if you qualify for free/reduced lunches.
Again, please complete the meal application at your very earliest convenience and then again after July 1st for your students to receive free school lunches all next year.
For those families that do not qualify for free/reduced lunches, paying for your child’s school lunch is easy. Please visit Washoeschools.net, click on Meals and click on Pay for Student Meals & A La Carte. This website takes debit and credit cards. You can also pay with cash or check at the school site, but not by debit/credit cards.
If you have any questions, please contact the office at 775-345-8100.
Verdi News and Events
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From the District...
The District prohibits bullying, cyber-bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination and/or retaliation in any of its educational programs/activities, employment, and employment opportunities. For the District's full Notice of Non-Discrimination statement as well as methods to address questions and concerns please visit our Notice of Non-Discrimination and Web Accessibility page.
For more information, visit the Civil Rights Compliance Department page.El Distrito prohíbe la intimidación, la intimidación cibernética, el acoso, el acoso sexual, la discriminación y / o las represalias en cualquiera de sus programas / actividades educativas, empleo y oportunidades de empleo. Para obtener la declaración completa del Aviso de No Discriminación del Distrito, así como los métodos para abordar preguntas e inquietudes, visite nuestra página de Notice of Non-Discrimination and Web Accessibility
Para más información visite Civil Rights Compliance Department page.
NRS 387.12468 Annual Staffing and Budget Comparison Report