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  • School Performance Plan Status Check 1: 2/10/23



    Student Success 


    School Goal 1: Increase math scores 3 to 5 percent on 22/23 SBAC Math Assessment.  


    Improvement Strategies 


    Intended Outcomes 


    Status Check 1 Status 


    Status Check 2 Status 




    All students will complete 5 lessons per week in DreamBox and students will be on Dreambox for 15-20 minutes everyday in the math tier 1 instruction block.  


    At Risk 


    Update after Status Check 2 



















    Adult Learning Culture 


    School Goal 2: By the next staff climate survey, NPES will increase the amount of favorable responses to Early release Wednesdays by 3 to 5% for all staff members. By the next staff climate survey, NPES will increase the amount of favorable responses to work related stress by 3 to 5% for all staff members.By the next staff climate survey, NPES will increase the number of participants in the survey by 3 to 5% for all staff members. 


    Improvement Strategies 


    Intended Outcomes 


    Status Check 1 Status 


    Status Check 2 Status 


    Increasing PLC Team Time 


    • Increase the amount of favorable responses to Early Release Wednesdays by 3 to 5 % for all staff members 

    • Increase the amount a favorable responses to work related stress for all staff members 

    • Increase the number of participants in the staff climate survey 



    On Track 


    Update after Status Check 2 





















    School Goal 3: On the Student Climate Survey, increase students’ perception of SEL Skills in the areas of Self-Management of Goals and Self-Management of Schoolwork. Increase Self-Management of Goals from 52% to 57% favorable rating to match the District average. Increase Self-Management of Schoolwork from 59% to 64% favorable rating. 


    Improvement Strategies 


    Intended Outcomes 


    Status Check 1 Status 


    Status Check 2 Status 


    Explicitly instruct to Self-Management skills across content areas. 


    Improve student success outcomes due to increased levels of student self-efficacy in the areas of Self-management of goals and schoolwork 


    On Track 


    Update after Status Check 2 

















    Status Check 1 


    Student Success 


    School Goal 1: Increase math scores 3 to 5 percent on 22/23 SBAC Math Assessment. 


    Improvement Strategies 


    Intended Outcomes 


    Status Check 1 Status 




    All students complete 5 lessons per week on DreamBox 


    At Risk 








    Lessons Learned (Now) 


    Strategy 1: Student lesson completion increased with implementation of goal setting and incentives. 


    Strategy 2: Not having 1:1 devices for every student impacts progress towards our goal. 


    Strategy 3: Student lesson completion declines in 4th and 5th grades. 


    Strategy 4: 


    Next Steps: 


    Strategy 1: Continue to use goal setting and incentives including schoolwide DreamBox challenges. 


    Strategy 2: Distribution of student refresh laptops to classrooms in need of devices. 


    Strategy 3: Incentivize 4th and 5th grade students for excelling in lesson completion. PLCs to address DreamBox usage. 


    Strategy 4: 




    Strategy 1: 


    Strategy 2: 


    Strategy 3: 


    Strategy 4: 



    Adult Learning Culture 


    School Goal 2: By the next staff climate survey, NPES will increase the amount of favorable responses to Early release Wednesdays by 3 to 5% for all staff members. By the next staff climate survey, NPES will increase the amount of favorable responses to work related stress by 3 to 5% for all staff members. By the next staff climate survey, NPES will increase the number of participants in the survey by 3 to 5% for all staff members. 


    Improvement Strategies 


    Intended Outcomes 


    Status Check 1 Status 


    Increasing PLC Team Time 

    • Increase the amount of favorable responses to Early Release Wednesdays by 3 to 5 % for all staff members 

    • Increase the amount a favorable responses to work related stress for all staff members 

    • Increase the number of participants in the staff climate survey 


    On Track 








    Lessons Learned (Now) 


    Strategy 1:  Increased teacher work day time has allowed teams to focus more on PLC goals during that time which allows for more productive conversations around students and data. 


    Strategy 2:  Teachers report that they are working less from home and spending less time outside of contract time which would equate to lower stress levels. 


    Strategy 3:  In 2 out of the 3 grade levels that we have MAP growth data for from last year and this year, more students have met growth targets in the 2022-2023 school year than in the 2021-2022 school year. 


    Strategy 4:  Teachers are utilizing the additional PLC hours and meeting more often than in previous years.  We have used 275 hours in the first semester and we have been allocated up to 700 hours for the second semester. 


    Strategy 5:  The number of participants in the survey has increased from 29 participants in 2021 to 44 participants in 2022 which gives us a better picture of how the whole staff climate is and provides a more equitable lens of our climate. 


    Next Steps: 


    Strategy 1:  Continue with current action steps to maintain positive outcomes for PLC time 


    Strategy 2: Continue with current action steps to maintain positive outcomes for professional development days 


    Strategy 3: Continue with current action steps to maintain positive outcomes for teacher work time balance with PLC time 


    Strategy 4: Continue with current action steps to encourage participation in future staff climate surveys. 




    Strategy 1: Continued funding of additional PLC stipend hours 


    Strategy 2: Continued scheduling of teacher work time with PLC time  


    Strategy 3:  PD day on March 13th 


    Strategy 4: 





    School Goal 3: On the Student Climate Survey, increase students’ perception of SEL Skills in the areas of Self-Management of Goals and Self-Management of Schoolwork. Increase Self-Management of Goals from 52% to 57% favorable rating to match the District average. Increase Self-Management of Schoolwork from 59% to 64% favorable rating. 


    Improvement Strategies 


    Intended Outcomes 


    Status Check 1 Status 


    Explicitly instruct to Self-Management skills across content areas. 


    Increase students’ perceived self-management of goals from 52% to 57% favorable rating to match the District average. Increase self-management of schoolwork from 59% to 64% favorable rating. 


    On Track 








    Lessons Learned (Now) 


    Strategy 1: Students facilitating spring conferences with a focus on goals and schoolwork. 


    Strategy 2: All staff participated in t-graph for social skills training. Five teachers have collaborated with ELD facilitator to implement t-graph for social skills. 


    Strategy 3: Counseling facilitating SEL lessons using Quaver in every classroom. 


    Strategy 4: 


    Next Steps: 


    Strategy 1: Incentivize students to continue to engage in self-management strategies using t-graph for social skills, team points, classroom economy etc. APEX supports this goal and will occur in May. 


    Strategy 2: Incorporation of Self-management of goals and schoolwork in Den Meetups. Also incorporate into future Den challenge. 


    Strategy 3:  


    Strategy 4: 




    Strategy 1: Continue to support self-management as situations arise with students. Most students at tier 1 are showing self-management skills. 


    Strategy 2: Intentional planning of SEL skills throughout curriculum as time is at a premium. 


    Strategy 3: 


    Strategy 4: