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- Huffaker Elementary School AB219 Corrective Action Plan (CAP) SY 2020-2021
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Huffaker Elementary School AB219 Corrective Action Plan (CAP)
SY 2020-2021
Root Causes
The School Performance Plan is designed to analyze data that is relevant to all student achievement, including our EL students. Root causes were determined based on this data in order to drive school improvement and shrink the achievement gap for our special populations with special attention to AB 219 and the EL population. The data both observational and concrete conclude that root causes are:
- Teachers’ need of knowledge, understanding, and skill to consistently implement high-yield English language development strategies that research has shown will assist ELs in acquiring the language necessary to access the content in all subject areas
- Need of school wide focus on success criteria for students with a clear understanding and implementation that define student expectations and outcomes
- A need of scaffolds and supports that assist student in comprehending learning and then able to use those scaffolds/supports to transfer into other content learning
- Need of Tier 1 instruction occurring in classrooms to provide equitable access to grade level material and standards
- Limited focus on academic language and vocabulary in ELA and Math to assist students in making meaning
- Limited alignment and standardization of Tier II and Tier III ELA and Math interventions
Please refer to Priority Goal 1, Priority Goal 2, and Priority Goal 3 (when applicable) in the School Performance Plan for additional root causes that impact learning and achievement.
Action Steps
- School wide focus on culturally responsive teaching, having high expectations for ELs, as well as scaffolds and structures in place in classrooms for ELs to meet those expectations.
- School wide focus on culturally responsive teaching, having high expectations for ELs, as well as scaffolds and structures in place in classrooms for ELs to meet those expectations.
- Build all teacher capacity through professional learning opportunities that enhance teacher understanding of language development through WiDA framework, GLAD or SIOP training.
- Appropriately provide purposeful planning for language in content subjects and scaffold using language rich strategies to provide ELs with access to content standards and grade level materials.
- Build teacher capacity for language development during Professional Learning Communities that allow for analysis of data and planning for language opportunities in content classrooms
- Use ELLevation platform for general education teachers to plan for language development in content subjects.
- Coach teachers at grade levels in the use of strategies that increase oral and written language production.
Attainable quantitative goals: In order to exit EL Corrective Action, we will meet all (Low Risk) or multiple measures meeting the standard of Medium Risk as follows:
- NSPF Point Attribution (ACCESS AGP):4-7 pts. (Medium Risk) 8-10 pts. (Low Risk)
- NSPF Point Attribution (SBAC-pooled proficiency): 9-18 pts. (Medium Risk) 19-25 pts. (Low Risk) or school is not on the state list of schools in the lowest 30% of pooled academic performance.
- SBAC ELA and Math:expected state Measure of Interim Progress (MIP) for English learners or ACCESS AGP at or above the 50th quartile of performance for two (2) consecutive years or 50% EL ACCESS AGP for two (2) consecutive years.
- SBAC ELA and Math:Median Growth Percentile (MGP) > 36% <64% (Medium Risk) or >65% (Low Risk)
- NSPF Star Rating:2-star (Medium Risk) or 3-star and above (Low Risk)