Attendance Matters!

  • We believe that making the commitment to come to school is the most important contribution to student success at Elmcrest. Students that arrive to school on time and ready to learn every day are more likely to be on grade level in reading and math, attain better grades, learn and retain content knowledge and stay on track to graduate college and/or career ready in high school. It is never too early to start building habits that prepare your child for success at school and ultimately high school graduation.

    Chronic Absenteeism started being reported in 2017-2018 due to a Federal Mandate.  Because all students who are absent for any reason who miss 10% or more of school days will be labeled Chronically Absent and students who receive instruction are not counted in Chronic Absenteeism, WCSD had to change the attendance procedure.

    Parent/Guardian’s responsibility:

    • assist your student in preparing for school in the morning and making a plan to arrive on time.
    • schedule appointments and other activities around the 180, seven-hour learning days.
    • check Infinite Campus to make sure attendance is accurate and to make sure make-up work is completed and returned to the school.

    Student’s responsibility

    • work with your family to get yourself ready for school and arrive on time every day.
    • request make-up work from your teacher when you return from an absence.
    • complete the work and return it to your teacher (with a little help from your family).

    Teacher’s responsibility

    • accurately mark attendance.
    • keep open lines of communication if a student is falling behind due to absences and tardies.
    • provide make-up work within 2 days to the student upon request.


    Students have the number of days absent plus one beginning the day that the teacher provided the make-up work to complete and return the make-up work to the teacher.

    While we will make the commitment to work with families to accommodate student illness, our focus remains on students learning the content missed and making up the work within 3-days of the absence. If students, with family support, do not catch-up on missed content and complete missed assignments, school administration has the discretion to code medical absences as unexcused. These absences would then count against the 90% attendance requirement for promotion.

    Click here to review the complete WCSD Attendance Policy.

    We are here to help: Support and Resources

    If you have concerns about your child's academic progress and attendance, please contact our office and ask to speak to any member of the attendance support team, 775-746-5850:

    School Social Worker, Haley Armstrong

    School Counselor, Katrina Fries

    FACE Liaison, Annie Kehrig

    Office Staff, Judy Johnson & Joanna Bernal 

    Dean of Students, Ryan Linton