- Elementary Schools
- Counselor's Corner
Welcome to the Bohach Counselor's Corner
Dear Parents,
With the start of the new school year looking very different, your child may feel stressed and anxious as well as excited. Remember, most children are likely feeling this even if they are unable to identify or verbalize their emotions. Stress presents differently in each individual. We encourage you to start a conversation with your child about how they are feeling and any fears or stressors they may be experiencing. Below are some additional resources you may find helpful. We are relentless in our work to support your student and are here to help in any way!
Please feel free to contact us by email or call the counseling office at 325-8472.
Mr. Hughes dhughes@washoeschools.net
Mr. Parga emilio.parga@washoeschools.net
Counseling Resources
Social Emotional Learning Resources
WCSD Social and Emotional Learning
Self Awareness
- Feelings
- 30 Things we can do for our Emotional Health (English and Spanish)
- If Feelings Could Talk
- Feelings Candy Land Game
- Anger Iceberg
- The Color Monster by Anna Llenas
- I Feel
Self Management
- Calm My Worry
- Anxiety Resources
- Reptile Yoga
- Soda Pop Head by Julia Cook
Relationship Skills
SEL Read Alouds
- Wilma Jean The Worry Machine by Julia Cook
- Personal Space Camp by Julia Cook
- The Great Compromise by Julia Cook
- Bubblegum Brain by Julia Cook
- The Invisible String by Patrice Karst
- The Rabbit Listened by Cori Doerfeld
- Ruthie And The Not So Teeny Tiny Lie by Laura Rankin
- The Cool Bean by John Jory
Zones of Regulation
- The Four Zones Poster
- Zones Check In
- Need a Break?
- Create a ZOR Check-In for Home Handout
- Create a ZOR Check-In for Home Video
- ZOR Toolbox
Sanford Harmony
- Harmony at Home
- Quick Connection Cards - 3rd - 6th Grade
- Quick Connection Cards - Pre-Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
For Parents
Favorite Websites
Contact Us
John C. Bohach CounselorPhone Number(775) 325-8472Fax Number(775) 626-0063