• Panther

    Virginia Palmer welcomes parents and community volunteers to help within the school, attend field trips, and in the classrooms.

    WCSD has a couple of steps in order to keep our schools safe. Volunteer forms are in the office or attached to the link below. After filling out the application, please return to the office with a photo I.D. If you have students that attend different schools, an application is required to be filled out at each school. New forms will need to be filled out every year.
    REQUIREMENTS FOR 2023/2024 SCHOOL YEAR: Regular volunteers are required to have fingerprints and wants and warrants checked by Human/Resources/School Police every 1-5 years. 
    Please take into consideration that all applications take up to three weeks to complete.  Remember this amount of time when planning to volunteer or attend a field trip.

    Contact the school (775-674-4400) regarding fees and regulations concerning fingerprints and volunteer applications.


    Adult Volunteer Application

    Solicitud de Voluntario de la Escuela de Adultos

    Under 18 School Volunteer Application