Trudie Kibala - Counselor

  • School Counseling Program Mission Statement


    The mission of the Spanish Springs Elementary School counseling program is to provide a comprehensive development counseling program to all students in order to strengthen their knowledge, skills and attitudes in order to reach their fullest potential in the academic, career and social/emotional domains. The school counseling curriculum is engaging and encouraging of all students to be lifelong learners and problems solvers by using responsibility and perseverance in all environments. The school counseling program partners with stakeholders such as parents, teachers, administrators and community members to carry out this mission.

    Parent Introduction Letter

  • Hello Spanish Springs Families,

    As we enter more weeks of uncertainty, loss of routines, norms and fun activities, not to mention living in close confinement with our loved ones, we want to share this infographic of behaviors you may see in your children. These behaviors are often covering up for feelings of sadness and anxiety. If you notice these behaviors, it can help to first take a deep breath yourself and then initiate a conversation with your child(ren). Start this conversation with a direct and straightforward approach that uses a calm voice, stating what you are noticing, followed by the question, “Can you tell me more about it?” Having the genuine courage and curiosity to start this conversation with a willingness to listen will go a long way right now. If you would like to consult about behavior concerns or anxiety, please reach out to me (Mrs. Kibala) at, or let your child’s teacher know you would like me to contact you. We miss you all and send out our hopes for continued wellness and health during this separation!


Kids' Sadness About COVID-19 May look like: Anger, Resisting the "new order", Tiredness, Numbing Out, Displaced frustration,