• Wellness Screening Tool

    Updates from the Clinic

    Dear WCSD Families:

    The Washoe County School District consistently meets with the Washoe County Health District to receive updated guidance regarding the safest way to respond to illness in the school district.

    Per the Health District, beginning on January 10, 2023, the following ‘exclusion practices’ (guidelines for when students and staff may return following illnesses) will be observed in WCSD schools and other workplaces:

    • Fever – The ill person needs to be fever free for 24 hours without medication prior to return.
    • Vomiting/diarrhea – The ill person should not experience any vomiting/diarrhea for 24 hours without medication prior to returning.
    • Rash of unknown origin – The ill personshould not return to school or work until a medical exam confirms these symptoms are not contagious. If it is a contagious skin infection, the ill person must remain away from school or work until 24 hours after treatment has begun. Children or staff who have a rash with a fever should not be allowed to return until fever has been gone for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and should not return until there have been no new lesions for 24 hours.
    • Yellow or greenish drainage from eyes, nose, or ears – The ill person can return to school or work if they have taken antibiotics for the 24 hours before returning or drainage has completely resolved.
    • Sore throat – The ill person will be sent home and should be seen by a healthcare provider if symptoms worsen. The ill person may return the following day if symptoms improve.
    • Cough – The ill person may attend school or work unless they have a fever or other symptoms indicating a possible infection.
    • COVID – If diagnosed with a lab confirmed test or home test, the ill person will be excluded from school or work for 5 days, and may return on day 6 if they can wear a mask for the next 5 days.

    Please consult with your school nurse if you have any questions. A general illness screener is available to help parents and staff determine when students and staff should stay home at www.washoeschools.net/selfscreening

    These updated practices are not only for students but also for employees.

    Thank you.