- Elementary Schools
- Parent Information and Reminders
Weekly email communication is sent to all families regarding Nancy Gomes information and/or reminders. This information and/or reminders will also be posted below.
Please ensure that we have your most current email address to receive our messages sent directly to your inbox.
Hello Glider Families,
Thank you so much for your support of Nancy Gomes and our rescheduled APEX annual fundraiser!! There is still time to make a pledge for your child during our fun run. Our APEX fun run is this Thursday!! Kindergarten through 2nd grades will be running from 12:45 - 1:30 and 3rd - 5th grades will be running from 1:40 - 2:30. If you would like to volunteer, please let your child's teacher know.
2/17, No school for President's Day
2/19, Early Release at 2:15 for all students
2/20, APEX Fun Run!
2/25, Free dress day and Kindergarten Graduation Picture Day
3/3 through 3/7, Reading Week. Our theme is "Color Our World with Books". We have planned a lot of fun activities and themed free dress days for the week. Please see attachment for more information.
3/11, Save the date! Night of the Arts from 5:30 - 7:00 pm.
3/17 through 3/28, Spring Break - No School.
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs. Capovilla
Hello Glider Families,
Thank you so much for your support of Nancy Gomes and our APEX annual fundraiser!! There is still time to make a pledge for your child during our fun run. Our APEX fun run is this Thursday!! Kindergarten through 2nd grades will be running from 12:45 - 1:30 and 3rd - 5th grades will be running from 1:40 - 2:30. If you would like to volunteer, please let your child's teacher know.
Thursday, 2/13, The Boys and Girls Club will be hosting a family night. Please see the attachment for more information.
Friday, 2/14, Free dress day or wear red or pink. Free snack/treat day and SOAR Store!
2/17, No school for President's Day
2/25, Free dress day and Kindergarten Graduation Picture Day
3/3 through 3/7, Reading Week. Our theme is "Color Our World with Books". We have planned a lot of fun activities and themed free dress days for the week. More information to come.
3/11, Save the date! Night of the Arts from 5:30 - 7:00 pm.
3/17 through 3/28, Spring Break - No School.
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs. Capovilla
Good afternoon Glider Families,
APEX is coming!! APEX is a two-week interactive leadership and character building program combined with a fitness focused event fundraiser to help our school raise funding for our students. The leadership theme this year is "As future leaders, we know that what we do right now can shape our world and make our future brighter!" Please see the attachment in your email or on Class Dojo for additional information on pledges or donations.
This week:
1/31 Attendance tag award
2/4 APEX begins
2/13 APEX Fun Run! If you would like to volunteer for this FUN event, please make sure you have a volunteer form on file.
2/14 Free dress day or wear red or pink; SOAR Store!; Free snack/treat day
2/17 No School for President's Day
Weekly Attendance Tip: Help your child be on time for school, have them get ready for school the night before. Get clothes, shoes and backpack ready for morning.
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs. Capovilla
Good afternoon Glider Families,
This week:
1/20 - No school for MLK Jr. Day
1/23 2nd quarter Awards Assemblies. Families received an invitation for qualifying students with their report cards.
Kinder and 1st grades: 10:20 - 10:50
2nd and 3rd grades: 9:15 - 9:45
4th and 5th grades: 9:50 - 10:10
1/24 National Compliment Day; Free Snack Treat Day
1/31 Attendance Tag Reward
APEX is coming! This is our annual fundraiser, which supports all of our students. With these funds, we were able to purchase a water bottle filtration station for all of our students located in the main hallway, as well as student incentives. APEX begins on 2/3 and our fun run will be on 2/13. If you would like to volunteer for this fun event, please make sure that you have a volunteer form on file.
Attending school every day can ensure children obtain the fundamental skills to become good readers. Good attendance is the key to learning!
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs. Capovilla
Happy New Year Glider Families!
We can't wait to welcome back all of our students tomorrow, 1/6/25!
Please come in and/or have your child check the lost and found for any of their items. All items will be donated on Friday, 1/10.
This week:
1/6 - Healthy Smiles will return to finish the students that were not seen during their last visit. Unfortunately, they won't be able to take any new students, but will get all of the students that were already signed up and not seen.
1/7 - WIDA testing for our English Language students begins and will go through 2/28. 3:15 - 4:15 Gomes Family Reading Night
1/8 - Early Release - All students are dismissed at 2:15 pm.
1/13 - MAP reading assessment begins for Kinder - 3rd grades
1/14 - Report cards go home
1/17 - SOAR Store!
1/20 - No school for MLK Jr. Day
1/23 2nd quarter Awards Assemblies. Families will receive an invitation for qualifying students in their child's report card.
Kinder and 1st grades: 10:20 - 10:50
2nd and 3rd grades: 9:15 - 9:45
4th and 5th grades: 9:50 - 10:10
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs. Capovilla
Good afternoon Glider Families,
This week:
12/18 NO EARLY RELEASE. Students are released at 3:00 pm.
12/18 National Twin Day - Free dress day or dress the same as someone else
12/19 End of grading period for 2nd semester; Free dress day or wear pajamas; Last day of school for students
12/20 No school for students - Teacher professional development day
12/23 - 1/3 Winter Break No School
1/6 First day back for students.
I wish you and your family a wonderful and safe winter break!
Mrs. Capovilla
Good afternoon Glider Families,
This week:
12/11 Early release at 2:15
12/18 No early release. Students are released at 3:00 pm.
12/18 National Twin Day - Free dress day or dress the same as someone else
12/19 End of grading period for 2nd semester; Free dress day or wear pajamas; Last day of school for students
12/20 No school for students - Teacher professional development day
12/23 - 1/3 Winter Break No School
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs. Capovilla
Good afternoon Glider Families,
Thank you to our uniform committee members and members of our school community for sharing your insight and opinions regarding school uniforms!! Please head over to our "Nancy Gomes Uniform Information and Policy" section on this website for more information regarding school uniforms for the 25-26 school year. Please remember that school uniforms will still be enforced for the remainder of this school year.
I am so excited to announce that we will be having after-school clubs for our students beginning the week of 12/2/24. Please click here for descriptions and a permission form that must be sent back for your child to attend these fun and exciting clubs.
This week:
11/26 Attendance Award
11/27, 11/28, 11/29 No school – Thanksgiving Break
12/3 3:15 Gomes Family Reading Night
12/6 SOAR Store
12/18 There will be NO early release. All students will be dismissed at 3:00 pm.
12/18 National Twin Day - Free dress day or dress the same as someone else
12/19 Last day of school for students; Pajama Day or Free Dress Day; Free snack/treat day; End of grading period; Attendance Award
12/20 No school for students
12/23 - 1/3 Winter Break - No school
I wish everyone a joyful holiday filled with love, laughter, and cherished moments with family and friends!
Mrs. Capovilla
Good afternoon Glider Families,
We would like to invite you to our final meeting regarding student uniforms. You will have the opportunity to share your thoughts with our Uniform Committee. The final meeting will be held this Wednesday on November 20th at 3:00 pm, and we will also be voting. You may also send in your thoughts to me, ncapovilla@washoeschools.net, and it will be shared at our meeting.
This week:
11/20 Early Release - All students dismissed at 2:15 pm
11/26 Attendance Award
11/27, 11/28, 11/29 No school – Thanksgiving Break
12/6 SOAR Store
12/18 National Twin Day - Free dress day or dress the same as someone else
12/19 Last day of school for students; Pajama Day or Free Dress Day; Free snack/treat day; End of grading period; Attendance Award
12/20 No school for students
12/23 - 1/3 Winter Break - No school
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs. Capovilla
Good afternoon Glider Families,
We would like to invite you to our first of two meetings regarding student uniforms. You will have the opportunity to share your thoughts with our Uniform Committee. The first meeting will be held this Wednesday on November 13th at 3:00 pm. Our second and final meeting will be November 20th at 3:00 pm. You may also send in your thoughts via email to me, ncapovilla@washoeschools.net, and it will be shared at our meeting.
This week:
11/11 No school – Veterans Day
11/12 Gomes Family Reading Night at 3:15 pm
11/13 Fall Picture Makeup Day and Free Dress Day
11/27, 11/28, 11/29 No school – Thanksgiving Break
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs. Capovilla
Good afternoon Glider Families,
We would like to invite you to our first of two meetings regarding student uniforms. You will have the opportunity to share your thoughts with our Uniform Committee. The first meeting will be held on November 13th at 3:00 pm. Our second and final meeting will be November 20th at 3:00 pm. You may also send in your thoughts via email to me, ncapovilla@washoeschools.net, and it will be shared at our meeting.
This week:
11/5 No school for students – Election Day
11/6 and 11/7 Healthy Smiles Dental Care will be at Gomes to provide no cost dental services as listed on the consent form. Please make sure you have turned in your forms prior to the 6th if you would like your child to participate.
11/7 Awards Assemblies – Invitations were sent home with the awarded students in their report card envelopes. Here are the grade level assembly times:
- 2nd – 3rd 9:15 – 9:45
- 4th and 5th 9:50 – 10:10
- Kinder and 1st 10:20 – 10:50
11/8 SOAR Store
11/11 No school – Veterans Day
11/12 Gomes Family Reading Night at 3:15 pm
11/13 Fall Picture Makeup Day and Free Dress Day
11/27, 11/28, 11/29 No school – Thanksgiving Break
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs. Capovilla
Good afternoon Glider Families,
Thank you for coming to your child's parent/teacher conference! Your support is invaluable as we cannot do this work alone.This week:
10/29 Report Cards Go Home
10/31 Attendance Awards, National Caramel Apple Day (all students will receive a sweet treat), and a Free Dress Day - Students may wear their costume. Masks, toys or props are NOT allowed at school. Face paint is ok. Please ensure your child adheres to this policy.
11/1 4th and 5th Grade Music Performance for Parents from 2:15 - 3:00 pm.
11/5 No school for students - Election Day
11/8 SOAR Store
11/6 and 11/7 Healthy Smiles Dentistry Visit to Gomes - Please make sure that you send back the consent form if you would like your child to participate.
11/7 Awards Assemblies - All students who receive an award will have an invitation with their report card.
11/11 No School - Veterans Day
11/13 Fall Picture Makeup Day and Free Dress Day
11/27, 28, 29 No School - Thanksgiving Break
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs. Capovilla
Hello Glider Families,
On November 6th and 7th we will have the dental team from Healthy Smiles come to our school. They will examine our student's teeth, provide a cleaning, fluoride treatment, oral health education and sealants as needed at No Cost to our families. We will be sending home consent papers. Please designate if you would like your child to participate or not and send back to the school.Thank you!
Good afternoon Glider Families,
Parent/Teacher Conferences continue this week through Thursday, 10/24. All students are dismissed at 12:50 pm each day. If you do not have a conference scheduled, please reach out to your child's teacher or call our office.Friday, 10/25, No school in observance of Nevada Day.
Book Fair begins 10/28 through 11/1.
10/29 Report Cards Go Home
10/31 Attendance Awards, National Caramel Apple Day (all students will receive a sweet treat), and a Free Dress Day - Students may wear their costume. Masks, toys or props are NOT allowed at school. Face paint is ok. Please ensure your child adheres to this policy.
11/1 4th and 5th Grade Music Performance for Parents from 2:15 - 3:00 pm.
11/5 No school for students - Election Day
Have a wonderful week hearing all of the great things that your child is doing in class and learning how to support them at home!
Mrs. Capovilla
Good afternoon Glider Families,
I hope that everyone had a fun and safe fall break! We cannot wait to see all of our students on Tuesday, 10/15.
The Board of Trustees has adopted the new school uniform policy (Administrative Regulation 5106) for all schools in the WCSD. We will be creating a committee comprised of students, families and staff to discuss and ultimately vote on our school uniform policy. If you are interested in being on this committee, please email me at ncapovilla@washoeschools.net. All meetings will be open to our entire school community for input. Meeting dates and times will be announced via this platform (email, phone call and text) as well as on School Dojo.
Monday, 10/14, No school for students - Teacher Professional Development Day
Wednesday, 10/16, Early release and all students are dismissed at 2:15 pm.
Friday, 10/18 through Thursday, 10/24 is conference week and all students are dismissed at 12:50 pm. Please make sure your child knows their after-school plans.
Friday, 10/25, No school for Nevada Day
October 28th-November 1st
Monday 8:00am-8:45am 3:00pm-4:30pm
Tuesday 8:00am-8:45am 3:00pm-4:30pm
Wednesday 8:00am-8:45am 2:15pm-4:30pm
Thursday 8:00am-8:45am 3:00pm-4:30pm
Friday 8:00am-8:45am 3:00pm-4:30pm
There are many ways to support your students love for reading. From our Book Fair Homepage, families can shop from The Scholastic Store Online, featuring over 6,000 items, or through the Virtual Book Fair, with over 200 of our top-selling books. All orders will ship direct to home.
Book Fair Homepage link
It’s highly recommended that you place money on an e-wallet account for your student so that they can come in and shop with a preset amount. No cash to lose or give away!! Please use the above link to access e-wallet set up. If you have used the e-wallet feature before, you will not need to create a new account. It is very simple to set up, and the funds are available the same day they are added.
Thank you for supporting your child’s love of reading,
Ms. Charles
Nancy Gomes Librarian ccharles@washoeschools.net
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs. Capovilla
Good afternoon Glider Families,
Monday, 10/7, through Friday, 10/11 Fall Break - No school
Monday, 10/14, No school for students - Teacher Professional Development Day
Friday, 10/18 through Thursday, 10/24 is conference week and all students are dismissed at 12:50 pm. Please make sure your child knows their after-school plans.
Friday, 10/25, No school for Nevada Day
October 28th-November 1st
Monday 8:00am-8:45am 3:00pm-4:30pm
Tuesday 8:00am-8:45am 3:00pm-4:30pm
Wednesday 8:00am-8:45am 2:15pm-4:30pm
Thursday 8:00am-8:45am 3:00pm-4:30pm
Friday 8:00am-8:45am 3:00pm-4:30pm
There are many ways to support your students love for reading. From our Book Fair Homepage, families can shop from The Scholastic Store Online, featuring over 6,000 items, or through the Virtual Book Fair, with over 200 of our top-selling books. All orders will ship direct to home.
Book Fair Homepage link
It’s highly recommended that you place money on an e-wallet account for your student so that they can come in and shop with a preset amount. No cash to lose or give away!! Please use the above link to access e-wallet set up. If you have used the e-wallet feature before, you will not need to create a new account. It is very simple to set up, and the funds are available the same day they are added.
Thank you for supporting your child’s love of reading,
Ms. Charles
Nancy Gomes Librarian ccharles@washoeschools.net
Have a wonderful and safe break,
Mrs. Capovilla
Good afternoon Glider Families,
Thank you to everyone who came to our Harvest Festival! It was so nice to see everyone having fun!
This week:
Monday, 9/30, Free snack/treat day and September attendance awards for students.
Wednesday, 10/2, Early release. All students are dismissed at 2:15 pm.
Friday, 10/4, SOAR Store!
Monday, 10/7, through Friday, 10/11 Fall Break - No school
Monday, 10/14, No school for students - Teacher Professional Development Day
Friday, 10/18 through Thursday, 10/24 is conference week and all students are dismissed at 12:50 pm. Please make sure your child knows their after school plans.
Friday, 10/25, No school for Nevada Day
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs. Capovilla
Good afternoon Glider Families,
Big events are happening this week!
Tuesday, 9/24, is our Fall Festival and Barnyard Dance from 4:30 - 6:30 pm. We will have games, food trucks and a lot of fun! The gate on McCaw will be open to families and remember to bring cash for our raffle items.
Wednesday, 9/25, early release. All students are dismissed at 2:15 pm.
Friday, 9/27, Fall Picture Day - This is a free dress day
10/4 SOAR Store
10/7 through 10/11 No school - Fall Break
10/14 No school for students - Teacher professional development day
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs. Capovilla
Good afternoon Glider Families,
This week:
Wednesday, 9/11, early release. All students are dismissed at 2:15 pm.
Thursday, 9/12, Boys and Girls Club Family Night from 4:30 - 6:00 pm
Mark your calendars for our Fall Festival and Barnyard Dance happening on September 24th from 4:30 - 6:30 pm. We will have games, food trucks and a lot of fun!
9/27 Fall Picture Day - This is a free dress day
10/7 through 10/11 No school - Fall Break
10/14 No school for students - Teacher professional development day
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs. Capovilla
Good afternoon Glider Families,
Thank you to everyone who came to our Back-to-School night! It was great to see our students and families so excited about school!
This week:
Monday, 9/2, No school - Labor Day
Friday, 9/6, SOAR Store!
Mark your calendars for our Fall Festival and Barnyard Dance happening on September 24th. We will have games, food trucks and fun! Times will be announced in my message next Sunday.
9/12 Boys and Girls Club Family Night from 4:30 - 6:00 pm
9/27 Fall Picture Day - This is a free dress day
10/7 through 10/11 No school - Fall Break
10/14 No school for students - Teacher professional development day
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs. Capovilla
Good afternoon Glider Families,
Our Back to School Night is this Tuesday, 8/27. We will have two of the exact same sessions for you. You can attend both if you have more than one child or pick one time that best fits your schedule. Here is our agenda: 5:30 - 5:45 or 6:15 - 6:30 pm: Attend informational booths around our school for important information. We will also have treats and a raffle for a brand new laptop. You get raffle tickets for each booth that you attend and you do not need to be present to win if you are only attending one session. 5:45 - 6:15 or 6:30 - 7:00 pm: Classroom visits. Visit your child's teacher to learn more about them, classroom routines and expectations and school year information. We hope to see everyone on Tuesday night!
This week:
Tuesday, 8/27, 5:30 - 7:00 pm Back to School Night
Wednesday, 8/28, Early Release and all students are released at 2:15 pm.
Thursday, 8/29, Free Snack/Treat Day and National Lemon Juice Day: All students will receive a lemon treat. Please let your child's teacher know if your child has any allergies and an alternative treat will be provided.
Friday, 8/30, Student Attendance Awards: All students who were present each day in August will receive an attendance award necklace. This will occur every month for all students present during the preceding month.
Monday, 9/2, No School for Labor Day
9/24 Fall Festival and Barnyard Dance
9/27 Fall Picture Day
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs. Capovilla
Good afternoon Glider Families,
We had a great first week back with our 1st through 5th grade students! We are so excited to welcome our new Kindergartners on Monday, 8/19!
The Boys and Girls Club before and after school program begins on Monday, 8/19.
Every Wednesday is early release and all students are dismissed at 2:15 pm.
We will continue to have free breakfast and lunch for all students. If your child is eating breakfast, they may arrive to school no earlier than 8:30 am. If they are not eating breakfast, they may arrive to school no earlier than 8:40 am. Please ensure your child adheres to these times as there will be no adult supervision.
Our website, https://www.washoeschools.net/gomes will be a very important resource for you this school year. You can access important information and every weekly message will be there for you to refer back to.
I have attached our school handbook to this email. Every family will be receiving a hard copy of it and our school calendar. Please read and familiarize yourself with our rules and procedures, including our drop off and pick up zones. It is very important for all cars to pull up in front of our school as far as they can. This alleviates congestion at the back of the drop off/pick up line of cars. Also, there is no parking in our drop off/pick up zone. Our school handbook is also located on our website for reference throughout the school year.
We are a uniform school, so please ensure that your child wears approved clothing. The policy is also on our website.
Monday, 8/19, Kindergarten begins.
Tuesday, 8/27, Back to School Open House. 5:30 - 6:15 pm or 6:15 - 7:00 pm. These times will be the exact same sessions, so you may attend both if you have more than one child or if a certain time works better for you.
Friday, 8/30, Student Attendance Awards
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs. Capovilla
Hello Glider Families,
We are so excited to welcome back our 1st - 5th graders tomorrow!!
The Boys and Girls Club before and after school program will not begin until August 19th. Please make sure your children know their after school plans.
We will continue to have free breakfast and lunch for all students. If your child is eating breakfast, they may arrive to school no earlier than 8:30 am. If they are not eating breakfast, they may arrive to school no earlier than 8:40 am. Please ensure your child adheres to these times as there will be no adult supervision.
Our website, https://www.washoeschools.net/gomes will be a very important resource for you this school year. There is a plethora of information for you and every weekly message will be there for you to refer back to.
I have attached our school handbook to this email. Please read and familiarize yourself with our rules and procedures, including our drop off and pick up zones. It is very important for all cars to pull up in front of our school as far as they can. This alleviates congestion at the back of the drop off/pick up line of cars. Also, there is no parking in our drop off/pick up zone. Our school handbook is also located on our website for reference throughout the school year.
We are a uniform school, so please ensure that your child wears approved clothing. The policy is also on our website.
Every Wednesday is early release. All students are released at 2:15 pm.
Monday, 8/19, Kindergarten begins.
Tuesday, 8/27, Back to School Open House. 5:30 - 6:15 or 6:15 - 7:00. These times will be the exact same sessions, so you may attend both if you have more than one child or if a certain time works better for you.
As always, please call the office should you ever have any questions or concerns.
We are going to have the best school year!
Mrs. Capovilla,
Hello Glider Families!
I hope that you are having a fantastic summer and staying cool! We are so excited to have our 1st - 5th grade students back to school on August 12th and our Kindergarten students back to school on August 19th!
On August 9th from 2:30 - 3:30, we will be having an ice cream social. We hope that you will stop by, meet your child's teacher and our new families.
All class lists will be available for parents through Infinite Campus on Wednesday, 8/7/24.
All students should have received a 24-25 supply list with their report cards. If you did not, they are posted on our website under the "Parent Resource" tab. https://www.washoeschools.net/gomes
Please bookmark our website. Weekly information and important information throughout the school year is posted under "Parent Information and Reminders".
I cannot wait to see everyone in a few weeks!
Mrs. Capovilla