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    PBIS Model:

    The Diedrichsen Philosophy is to provide a challenging academic program in a safe, nurturing environment.  Classroom management is approached from a belief that teachers use skills/concepts to plan and maintain a learning environment in which students learn the decision-making skills needed to be responsible for their own learning and behavior.  The philosophy of being proactive and “Positive Behavior Support” works best.

    At LDES, student discipline is dealt with through positive incentives and empowering students to solve problems through teacher facilitation. Students are taught the SWIM Values, show respect, work hard, have integrity, and make a difference.  

    In addition to positive behavior support, Diedrichsen implements Love and Logic techniques as an approach to discipline.  We treat every student with love and respect, holding students accountable for their actions with natural consequences.  Love and Logic is an approach to working with students that teaches kids to think for themselves, raises the level of student responsibility, and prepares students to be productive citizens as we prepare them to be college and career-ready.

    This plan, adhering to guidelines set forth by NRS 392.4644, is an effort to empower teachers and students to create a school environment of high standards, positive culture, and academic success.