Clever Log In Instructions

  • You do not have your Clever Badges and will need to log in by clicking the  “Log in with Active Directory” instead of the Clever Badge

    Username: Student 

    Password: Students ID

    "Student ID" is your 7 digit student ID number that we use all the time to get logged in at school

    If you have forgotten your Student ID number please Dojo or email your teacher so we can get it to you!

Raz-Kids Log In Instructions

  • You will need to log in to your correct teacher in order to find your account.

    Mrs. Carpinella's Teacher Username is hcarpinella

    Mr. Murray's Teacher Userame is jmurray17 log In Instructions

  • Once you are in follow these steps

    1.  Click on the blue "student login" at the very top right corner

    2.  Type in username and click next

    3. Type in password (ALL passwords are 12345) and click next 

    4. It will ask for some info.  ONLY put in your first name and FIRST LETTER of your last name AND NOTHING ELSE. Click save changes

    5. Then go to "lessons" at the top of the page and start at the begining