- Family-School Partnerships
- Safe and Healthy Schools Toolkit / Kit de herramientas para escuelas seguras y saludables
- Digital Safety / Seguridad Digital
Safe & Healthy Schools Toolkit
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Digital Safety (media usage, how to keep your kids safe online)
7 Consejos de seguridad en Internet - Consejos de la Universidad de Padres
“Navegar en el internet podría ser peligroso tanto para adultos como para niños, pero estos consejos podrían ayudar a las familias a utilizar el internet de manera más segura.”
7 Internet Safety Tips - Parent University Tips
“Technology could be a danger if not used properly, but the following tips will give you information to keep from the oldest to the little ones in the house safe when navigating the internet.”
Common Sense Video Playlist of Apps Used by Kids
(Common Sense Media Youtube) Playlist -17 short videos explaining what each of these platforms do: ChatGPT, Twitch, Fortnite, Discord, Roblox, TickTok, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Pokemon Go, Periscope, Twitch, Sarahah, tbh, Live.ly, Messenger Kids, Squad
Going Back to School with AI | Common Sense Explains
In this episode of Common Sense Explains, Robbie Torney, Chief of Staff at Common Sense Media, explores insights from a recent survey commissioned by Common Sense Media, unveiling students' and parents' perceptions of AI, including tools like ChatGPT.
Newsletters & Articles
4 Conversations to Have with Older Kids and Teens About Their Screen Time Habits
Click link to access article
Cuatro conversaciones que podemos tener con niños mayores y adolescentes sobre el tiempo que pasan frente a las pantallas (Common Sense Media-Spanish)
Haga clic en el enlace para acceder al artículo.
Consejos de seguridad en Internet para adolescentes
“Entre el robo de identidad, el acoso cibernético, el acecho y las estafas de phishing, aleja a tu hijo adolescente de los peligros en Internet con esta guía para la seguridad en línea.” (This resource is also available in English on the website - "Internet safety tips for teens").
Cómo afecta el uso de las redes sociales a los adolescentes (Child Mind Institute)
Haga clic en el enlace para acceder al artículo.
Guardian's Guide | Tiktok
Resources for parents, guardians, and caregivers to help you understand TikTok's tools and controls we’ve built into the product to keep our community safe.
Guide to Snapchat for Families
PDF document with description, FAQ, safety & wellness resources and conversation starters.
Guía para padres sobre Snapchat (Common Sense)
“¿Es Snapchat seguro para los niños? ¿Cómo funciona? ¿Qué son las rachas o Snapstreaks? Todo lo que los padres deben saber sobre esta superpopular aplicación.”
Helping your teen navigate Instagram safely – For Parents
An online guide for parents “Our Parent’s Guide and Family Center include helpful resources for you and your teen.” The parent Guide is also available in Spanish and 26 other languages. (En este sitio web, también está disponible una guía de Instagram para padres en español.)
YouTube - More choices for families from YouTube
Every family has their own approach to online video. Learn about your options: the YouTube Kids app or a new parent supervised experience on YouTube.
Click here to access resources for keeping kids safe online including a Digital Family Toolkit, family advice by age, and much more. Spanish resources are also available on the site. (Los recursos en español también están disponibles en este sitio web.)
CyberCivics Chats
Monthly chats about trending tech topics for families. Previous podcasts and webinars are available on multiple platforms.
A free 5-day course for families on how to “Help your kids navigate a tech-filled world.”
Parent University Classes
Interested in learning more about what workshops are available? Click on the link above to view workshops aligned to the Safe and Healthy Schools Toolkit
National & Community-Based Organizations
Our resources for educators offer multiple ways to engage students, parents and communities in important lesson in digital citizenship and online safety. Empower your students to be safer online with our free collection of teaching materials for families and students in grades K-12.
“Join Together Northern Nevada brings citizens, agencies, businesses, and government together to form a whole that has the ability to identify, measure, and develop strategies to deal with substance abuse problems in the community.”
Tools for Families
Common Sense Media - For Parents
“Reviews for what your kids are into (trusted ratings created with families in min)” Topics: Movies, TV, Books, Games, Podcasts, Apps. Spanish resources are also available on the site. (Los recursos en español también están disponibles en este sitio web.)
Common Sense Media - For Parents (Also available in Spanish)
Los recursos también están disponibles en español.
Common Sense Media - Digital Citizenship Resources for Family Engagement
Click here for multiple tools to support Digital Citizenship. (Los recursos también están disponibles en español. Haga clic en el enlace para acceder los recursos.) .
Additional Resources
Guías rápidas en español (Connect Safely)
“Guías de una página sobre diferentes plataformas de redes sociales y seguridad en línea.” (This resource is only available in Spanish)
Keep Your Students (and Yourself) Safe on Social Media: A Checklist - Infographic
(Common Sense) “Social media can be a great tool for modeling digital citizenship. It can also be a vital tool for community building. However, it's important to protect personal information (both yours and your students') everywhere online. Use this list of tips to do a checkup on your social media privacy practices.”
Archived Webinars
The Social Brain on Screens
In this “Ask the Experts” webinar, an interdisciplinary panel of neuroscientists, developmental psychologists, and psychiatrists explore the functions of the social brain in childhood, what these interconnected neural networks require for healthy functioning, and what strategies parents might consider around infant and youth screen use to promote healthy social development.
Helping Youth Navigate Dangers in the Digital Age
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Adding Resources:
The following WCSD Departments have contributed to this Toolkit: Behavior, Communications, Counseling, Curriculum & Instruction, Emergency Management, Family-School Partnerships, Multi-tiered System of Supports-Social-Emotional Learning and Psychology. If you would like to add resources, for consideration to this toolkit, please email fsp@washoeschools.net.