- Family-School Partnerships
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
As a parent, you are your child's first and most important teacher. You and your child's school have something in common: you both want your child to learn and do well. When parents and teachers talk to each other, each person can share essential information about your child's talents and needs. Parent-teacher conferences are a fantastic way to start partnering with your child's teachers.
Quick videos
Learn what to do during your next Parent-Teacher conference
Aprenda lo que debe saber durante una conferencia entre padres y maestros
Resources for a productive parent teacher conference
First Parent-Teacher Conference
Find helpful tips for first timers participating in Parent-Teacher Conferences
I've had a Parent-Teacher Conference Before
Maximizing Your Experience at Parent Teacher Conferences
What to Do
Due to the limited time allocated to your child's conference, try to prioritize your questions.
- iReady Program
- Understanding iReady Diagnostic Data Video
- Understanding Diagnostic Assessment Results Handout
- Family Center - iReady
Click on the image to check the Family Guidance video
Guides- Guias
Elementary School Parent-Teacher Conference
Middle School Parent-Teacher Conference Checklist
Tip Sheets - Hojas de recomendaciones
9 tips to make the most of your parent-teacher conference
Parent-Teacher Conferences Strategies Tip Sheet
WCSD Assessment Department - Resources for Families
Bridges Math Family Information, Bridges Math Family Letter
Learning Resources for Families - Recursos Familiares de Aprendizaje