- Family-School Partnerships
- Safe and Healthy Schools Toolkit / Kit de herramientas para escuelas seguras y saludables
- Digital Safety / Seguridad Digital
Safe & Healthy Schools Toolkit
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Sleep and Screens
A 2024 panel study on sleep reached consensus that screen use impairs sleep health for children and adolescents ages 5-19 years old. The handout provides information about the impact that screens have on sleep and family recommendations for promoting sleep health, download this handout.
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4 Conversations to Have with Older Kids and Teens About Their Screen Time Habits
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Cuatro conversaciones que podemos tener con niños mayores y adolescentes sobre el tiempo que pasan frente a las pantallas (Common Sense Media-Spanish)
Haga clic en el enlace para acceder al artículo.
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Consejos de seguridad en Internet para adolescentes
“Entre el robo de identidad, el acoso cibernético, el acecho y las estafas de phishing, aleja a tu hijo adolescente de los peligros en Internet con esta guía para la seguridad en línea.” (This resource is also available in English on the website - "Internet safety tips for teens").
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Cómo afecta el uso de las redes sociales a los adolescentes (Child Mind Institute)
Haga clic en el enlace para acceder al artículo.
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Guardian's Guide | Tiktok
Resources for parents, guardians, and caregivers to help you understand TikTok's tools and controls we’ve built into the product to keep our community safe.
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Guide to Snapchat for Families
PDF document with description, FAQ, safety & wellness resources and conversation starters.
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Guía para padres sobre Snapchat (Common Sense)
“¿Es Snapchat seguro para los niños? ¿Cómo funciona? ¿Qué son las rachas o Snapstreaks? Todo lo que los padres deben saber sobre esta superpopular aplicación.”
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Helping your teen navigate Instagram safely – For Parents
An online guide for parents “Our Parent’s Guide and Family Center include helpful resources for you and your teen.” The parent Guide is also available in Spanish and 26 other languages. (En este sitio web, también está disponible una guía de Instagram para padres en español.)
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Keeping teens safe on social media: What parents should know to protect their kids (American Psychological Association) Article w/Videos
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YouTube - More choices for families from YouTube
Every family has their own approach to online video. Learn about your options: the YouTube Kids app or a new parent supervised experience on YouTube.
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