WCSD Board of Trustees to Discuss Superintendent Search, Building Plans, and Walk Zones 

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For Immediate Release
Contact: Victoria Campbell


WCSD Board of Trustees to Discuss Superintendent Search, Building Plans, and Walk Zones 

What: As part of our ongoing commitment to keep media partners and the community apprised of important issues in the Washoe County School District (WCSD), please see the information below regarding the upcoming public meeting of the WCSD Board of Trustees.

When: Tuesday, February 13
             2 p.m.

Where: WCSD Administration Building
              Board Meeting Room              
              425 E Ninth St.

To read the agenda for the meeting, please visit https://washoeschools.diligent.community/Portal/MeetingInformation.aspx?Id=1239

To watch a livestream of the meetings, visit www.washoeschools.net/live

Written public comments may be submitted before and during the meetings at publiccomments@washoeschools.net.           

Details: At this meeting, Trustees will:


Washoe County School District’s promise is to know every student by name, strength and need so they graduate prepared for the future they choose, and we will deliver on this promise in partnership with our families and community.


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