Novice Teachers

  • Mentor Logo Novice teachers are in their first year of teaching with little or no prior teaching experience. Novices are required to participate in the Induction and Mentoring Program unless exempted by their principal. Novices meet weekly with their mentor(s) regarding lesson plans, management, instruction, etc. They schedule teaching episodes for their mentor(s) to observe and give confidential feedback. They also take sub day(s) to visit other classrooms to observe veteran teachers. Novice teachers attend either the Novice On-Site Seminar at their school site, or the Novice Regional Seminar K-12 (online) at the district level, as well as other New Teacher Academy classes. At the end of the year, novices are asked to evaluate the program.


    Novice Teachers Newsletters:

    The newsletter is published by the Mentor Teacher Program for novice teachers. It contains valuable information such as the phases of first year teaching, classroom management ideas, New Teacher Academy, and the Teacher Professional Growth Standards. You will also find helpful hints and great ideas from teachers and principals in the district, as well as trusted educational resources.