Phone: 775-321-3250


Degrees and Certifications:

BS Microbiology and Medical History & Ethics from the University of Washington MEd Secondary Science from University of Nevada Reno Teaching Endorsements: Biological Science, Physical Science, Agriculture Education

Mrs. Lenz

Mrs. Lenz graduated from McQueen High School in 2002, University of Washington in 2007, and University of Nevada Reno in 2011. She has a BS in Microbiology and Medical History and Ethics and an MEd. in Secondary Education. She has been teaching since 2010.

With her husband and three boys, she loves to go camping, rock hounding, and visit National Parks and museums. She also loves to fly home to Hawaii during vacations to visit her family.

Some of her favorite agricultural things: sunflowers, roses, orchids, dragonflies, lady bugs, apple trees, hydroponics/aquaponics, berry bushes, and lettuce.

Mrs. Lenz is the CASE Academy Director and the North Valleys FFA Advisor.