Posting requests, Hiring requests, and changes to an employee's pay assignment are all done electronically through SearchSoft. Position Control will still accept emailed requests for the forms listed below (Certified Hourly Application, Coach requests, Additional Contract Days, Conversion Requests).
If the forms are not opening for you, you will need to double check your system settings to make sure that your system and browser are set to open PDF files in Adobe, and not in the web browser you are using. If you need help resetting your system settings,
click here for assistance.
HR-F002, Certified Hourly ApplicationThis form is used to hire a Certified employee into an hourly teaching or extra-duty assignment. The employee must hold a teaching or substitute teaching license to be paid in this manner. Some examples of these types of positions include, but are not limited to:
- Professional Development Hourly Trainer
- Hourly Teacher for Intersession, Summer School, Intervention or Credit Recovery programs
- Hourly Tutoring for Grant-Funded programs
- Adult Education Hourly Teacher
- Hourly Home Hospital Teacher
- Prep Period Buyouts (extended coverage only)
HR-F502, Authorization for Additional Days FormThis form is used to authorize payment for additional days to an employee's existing contract (for the current year only). For example, an employee is contracted to work for 185 days but is being assigned to work 190 days because of a special project. Once approved, the additional days are added to the employee's salary for the remainder of the year and payments are averaged or 'spread' across the remaining monthly pay cycles.
PC-F001, Conversion Request and Guidelines (Electronic submission only!)This form is used to convert a vacant General Fund allocated position into another type of position, or to continue a conversion from one year to the next. Converted positions are authorized as Limited Term for one year at a time.