Nevada Boys' State

  • Nevada Boys' State

    Juniors-Check out this free program with scholarship opportunities! 

    The American Legion Department of Nevada is proud to announce the Nevada Boys' State summer 2024 in-person session at the University of Nevada Reno campus. The session will be held Jun 16th - June 22nd.

    This is a unique summer learning experience sponsored and directed by the American Legion, a national veterans' organization. Nevada Boys' State brings students from all over Nevada to an educational program focused on participation and personal experience in a model government setting. The program is designed to supplement school civics courses, focusing on practical citizenship, political leadership and the operation of local/state government. The goal of the experience is to give the students an understanding of the basic principles of American government. Past Nevada delegates include Governor Brian Sandoval and Senator Harry Reid. More specific information is available on the Nevada Boys' State website-link in profile

    Students are eligible for different scholarships.
    At the end of the program two Nevada students are chosen to be delegates to Boys' Nation. At Boys' Nation, the Nevada delegates join young men from 49 other states in Washington, D.C. for the advanced level program.

    There is no cost to the student/delegate for the program which includes room and board on campus in one of the student dorms other than a $75 supply fee. Students with limited means can be sponsored.

    The program is open to students in their junior year. The online application process is available now.