- Washoe County School District
- Resources
- Social Justice
We want to ensure that we are engaging in a healthy and successful culture and climate for our students, and families. This means that we need to provide tools and leadership for our staff. Culture, Practice, and Leadership are our three anchors for Equity.
Equity Framework
- The framework attached will direct discussions within the equity framework specifically around race
The Guidebook
- Designed to explore a plethora of Cultural Competency tools to address schools or department wide
- The Equity Traps have one in particular that address erasing Race and Culture
- The Conceptual Framework will walk you address barriers, assessing culture, etc.
Speak Up
- The booklet gives direction to Speak Up when encountering racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, etc.
- The Interrupt, Question, Echo, and Educate pieces where outlined by a student from NorthStar in a video extremely well done that will be shared
- The PowerPoint, the pamphlet, and the pocket card are attached
Equity 101 Trainings
- Many of you have attended the trainings. I encourage to you go back through your Reflection Journals; re-read the Breaking the Silence Article; re-read the information on the systems of privilege and entitlement
- We provided all our PLC Leadership team with the Culturally Responsive Professional Learning Communities books
- We have shared the outline for the books, and have reattached book outline here
Books Focused
- Courageous Conversations about Race
- Work originally bought in by the Pacific Education Group – Glenn Singleton
- Opening Doors
- We walked through chapters to ensure we addressed culturally responsive practices, as well as a focus on culturally responsive family engagement
- Walking the Equity Talk
- We have shared the outline for the books, and have reattached a few here for selection
- Equity Audits
- This book also provided details on the Equity Traps"
Equity Guide Book
Equity Guide Book: a tool to build district-wide capacity around Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice.