- Washoe County School District
- Board Meeting Archive
- 2020 Board Archive
Board of Trustees
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12-08-2020 Regular Meeting
Announcement of 10th Annual Holiday Card Contest winners; approval of 7th grade SHARE curriculum; presentation on new Pupil Centered Funding Plan; approval of distance learning for secondary schools until January 19, 2021; and 2019-20 School Year Superintendent Evaluation
11-24-2020 Regular Meeting
Approval of new SHARE curriculum videos for grades 4-6; presentation on the Distance and Blended Learning Department; update on enrollment trends; final approval of attendance zone boundaries for Silver Lake Elementary School, Stead Elementary School, and Desert Heights Elementary School; and various actions related to changes in the educational learning model due to the strain on resources because of COVID-19, including the temporary change of secondary schools to full distance learning beginning December 2, 2020.
11-10-2020 Regular Meeting
Acceptance of Fiscal Year 2019-20 CAFR; review of 2020 election results and 2021 Nevada Legislative Preview; adoption of Board Resolution 20-012 recognizing National Apprenticeship Week; discussion and recommendation regarding revisions to Board Policy 1310, Political Activity in Schools; review of community transmission rates for COVID-19; update on Nutrition Services revenue; and preliminary approval of elementary school attendance zone changes in the North Valleys
10-27-2020 Regular Meeting
Board Resolution 20-011; update on COVID-19 transmission rates in schools and community risk assessment data; approval of educational specifications for the Debbie Smith Career and Technical Education Academy; and Strategic Plan Bridge Year Metrics reporting
10-16-2020 Work Session
Strategic Plan Bridge Year Reporting; 2019-20 Superintendent Evaluation; 2020-21 Superintendent Evaluation
10-13-2020 Regular Meeting
Nutrition Services Fund Update and action to conditionally approve option to furlough certain employees in the Nutrition Services Department; direction regarding the District's COVID data dashboard and continued partnership with the Washoe County Health District; and presentation on the lessons learned during the shut down and subsequent reopening of schools
09-22-2020 Regular Meeting
Budget Update; presentation from State COVID-19 Task Force; appointment of Sharon Kennedy to District A vacancy
09-08-2020 Regular Meeting
Presentation from principals and students on their experiences during the first weeks of school; approval of a standing agenda item related to review of community risk of COVID-19, to include consideration of changes to the current learning models based on data indicators; presentation on the decision-making process in closing schools; approval of the application and interview process to fill the vacant District A seat; and approval of the proposed settlement with former Superintendent Traci Davis.
08-25-2020 Regular Meeting
Approval of District Bill Draft Request (BDR) for 2021 Nevada Legislative Session; approval of the Washoe County School District Strategic Technology Plan, Phase 1; and continued discussion on the metrics for a threshold to close schools due to a COVID-19 outbreak in the community
08-11-2020 Regular Meeting
Preliminary approval of recommended BDR for 2021 Nevada Legislative Session; approval of 2020/21'A' Major Projects Program; approval of GMP 2 from United Construction Company for the expansion and renovation of Darrel Swope Middle School; presentation on the Local Empowerment Advisory Panel; preliminary approval of the proposed metrics to be used to move schools to full distance learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic; and update on the re-opening of schools.
07-28-2020 Regular Meeting
Approval of CARES Act Grant application; presentation from Washoe County Health District regarding; and reaffirmation of July 7, 2020 actions related to elementary school learning model, middle school learning model, and high school learning model
07-21-2020 Regular Meeting
Update on 2019 Special Session of the Nevada Legislature; and preliminary approval of revisions to Board Policy 5400, Student Attendance.
07-07-2020 Regular Meeting
Incline High School Theater Naming; affirmation of Group Insurance Committee Plan Year 2021 rate increase of 0%; presentation and approval of 2020-21 School Year Re-opening plans
06-26-2020 Work Session
Superintendent evaluation; Strategic Plan bridge document; and portrait of a graduate presentation.
06-23-2020 Regular Meeting
Approval of Board Resolution 20-008; update on the Office of School Leadership Reorganization and improvements to Special Education programming; presentation and direction on plans to be submitted to the Nevada Department of Education related to the re-opening of schools; presentation on the educational specification process for the Debbie Smith Career and Technical Academy; and presentation and affirmation of the use of best practices in policing by the Washoe County School District Police Department
06-09-2020 Regular Meeting
Approval of CFPC recommendations; presentation and discussion on the re-opening of schools for 2020-21; approval of 8th grade SHARE curriculum; Zoning Advisory Committee recommendations related to elementary schools in the North Valleys; and direction regarding options on school start times
05-29-2020 Work Session
Superintendent Evaluation discussion; Strategic Plan update discussion; Board policies related to the superintendent
05-26-2020 Regular Meeting
Public hearing on FY21 Tentative Budget and approval of FY21 Final Budget; award of Nutrition Services contract; naming of new Michael Inskeep Elementary School in Cold Springs; approval of recommendations from the Zoning Advisory Committee; approval of GMP #3 for the new Procter R. Hug High School located at Wildcreek; Strategic Plan reporting
05-12-2020 Regular Meeting
Superintendent Employment Agreement; Graduation Celebrations and Senior Recognition for the Class of 2020; Budget Update; COVID-19 Impacts Update; Naming of CTE Academy
04-28-2020 Regular Meeting
Appointment of Dr. Kristen McNeill as Superintendent of Schools for the Washoe County School District
04-14-2020 Regular Meeting
Approval of 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan; presentation and discussion of legislative and budget impacts of COVID-19 health emergency
03-31-2020 Regular Meeting
Approval of Tentative Budget; suspension of public bodies (committees) of the Board of Trustees until further notice; cancellation of superintendent search process
03-10-2020 Regular Meeting
Presentation from EDAWN; presentation on Early Childhood Education; approval of proposed Code of Conduct for the Board of Trustees; approval of Information Technology Networking Equipment bid
02-25-2020 Regular Meeting
Adoption of Board Resolutions 20-003, 20-004, 20-005, and 20-006; presentations on graduation supports for students, Equity & Diversity including Social & Emotional Learning, and federal grants; and approval of the Guaranteed Maximum Price #2 with Clark/Sullivan Construction for Earthworks and Utilities related to the construction of the new Procter R. Hug High School located at Wildcreek