• Resources & support for all families and students

    Washoe County School District and the WCSD Board of Trustees reaffirms its commitment to supporting all students regardless of their immigration status. No student or family will ever be asked to provide information about immigration status, nor will any such information ever be gathered or shared by the District.

    The Washoe County School District is dedicated to supporting and protecting the welfare of the 64,000 students and 8,000 employees who are learning and working in our classrooms every day. It is our mission to provide a free, high-quality education for all students that will help them to become productive members of society and achieve their dreams. Our DACA students are important members of our schools and our community. Our job is to ensure a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment in our schools where students can study, work, and achieve their academic goals.


    Recursos y apoyo para todas las familias y estudiantes

    El Distrito Escolar del Condado de Washoe y el Consejo Directivo y Administrativo del WCSD reafirman su compromiso de apoyar a todos los estudiantes independientemente de su estado migratorio. A ningún estudiante o familia se le pedirá que proporcione información sobre su estado migratorio, ni el Distrito reunirá o compartirá dicha información.

    El Distrito Escolar del Condado de Washoe se dedica a apoyar y proteger el bienestar de los 64,000 estudiantes y 8,000 empleados que aprenden y trabajan en nuestras aulas todos los días. Nuestra misión es proporcionar una educación gratuita y de alta calidad para todos los estudiantes que los ayudará a convertirse en miembros productivos de la sociedad y alcanzar sus sueños. Nuestros estudiantes de DACA son miembros importantes de nuestras escuelas y nuestra comunidad. Nuestro trabajo es garantizar un ambiente seguro, acogedor e inclusivo en nuestras escuelas donde los estudiantes puedan estudiar, trabajar y lograr sus objetivos académicos.

  • Resources in English


    Know Your Rights 

    Do you know your constitutional rights? Learn more about what your rights are and legal resources available in our community.

    American Civil Liberties Union

    National Immigration Law Center 

    Nevada Immigration Legal Resources

    List of immigration legal resources from non-profit and accredited institutions in Nevada. 

    Immigrant Legal Resource Center


    WCSD Board Resolution 17-003

    A Safe Haven Resolution by the Washoe County School District Board of Trustees to Reaffirm the Washoe County School District’s Commitment to Provide all Students a Free and Appropriate Public Education Pursuant to the Laws of the United States 


    Family Preparedness Plan - Family Preparedness Guide to create a plan in case of an emergency,  Provided by the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, ILRC.

    Family Preparedness Plan - Chinese - 家庭準備計劃

    Immigration Preparedness Toolkit - Family Preparedness Guide to create a plan in case of an emergency,  Provided by the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, ILRC.

    Bust Card - Printable cards with information on what to do if stopped by police, immigration agents, or the FBI.

    Know Your Rights Red Card - Printable cards with information to help people exercise their rights and defend themselves in situations, such as when ICE agents go to a home.

    Digital Constituents Services - Immigrant resource guide for residents in Nevada, provided by the United States, Senator Catherine Cortez Masto.

    FAQ for Educators on Immigrant Students in Public Schools

    WSCD students speak more than 60 different languages and we proudly serve new immigrant students and students seeking refuge at our newcomer programs at many of our schools. We have provided a list of Frequently Asked Questions on the rights of immigrant students in our public schools, provided by the ACLU for informational purposes only.

    FACT Sheet: Educational Services for Immigrant Children and Those Recently Arrived to the United States - This fact sheet provides information to help education leaders better understand the responsibilities of States and local educational agencies (LEAs) in connection with such students, and the existing resources available to help educate all immigrant students – including children who recently arrived in the United States.