- High Schools
- Biology Assignments
Lori Hart
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Biology Assignments Semester 1
Quarter 1
Ecology S3 Episode 4 Trophic Levels
Period: 1, 3, 4, 5 10/18 Period: 2 10/21
Scroll down to S3 E4 Trophic Level notes and copy them into your notebook. Watch the video and take notes. Print out the worksheet and article to complete the pyramid. For organism examples, you will need to read the article.
Ecology S3 Episode 3 Bioindicators
Period: 1, 2, 4 10/17 Period: 3, 6 10/21
Scroll down to Season 3 Episode 3 Bioindicators in the notes. Copy the notes into your notebook. Print out the lab worksheet. Watch the videos in the notes and complete the lab while you watch the videos.
Ecology pH Lab
10/15 & 10/16
Complete the lab make-up in your notebook.
Ecology S3 Episode 4 pH
10/4 & 10/14
Scroll down until you find the notes for Episode 4 pH and copy into your notebook
Ecology S3 Episode 1 Water Quality
Print out the article and the CER outline and glue into your notebook. Fill out the CER outline as you read the article. Then write 1-2 paragraph CER.
Print out the "Chasing Coral" movie guide. Fill it out as you watch the movie. "Chasing Coral" can be found on Netflix. If you do not have Netflix, you will
need to set up a time to watch that film.
Ecology Quiz Corrections
9/30 & 10/1
You have until Friday 10/4 to do quiz corrections or make-up the quiz. You can come in W/F Grit, or Thursday after school.
Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration Practice and Review/S2 Quiz
9/26 & 9/27
Study for season 2 quiz. Set up a time with Ms. Hart to make-up the quiz. Wednesday/Friday grit or Tuesday/Thursday after school. Please check with Ms. Hart first before making plans to stay for tutoring. You have until Friday 10/4 to make up quiz and/or do quiz corrections.
Ecology S2 Episode 6 Cellular Respiration
9/25 & 9/26
Click below for the notes. Scroll down to Episode 6 Cellular Respiration. Watch the video and take notes. Complete the cellular respiration portion of the photosynthesis/Cellular Respiration foldable wheel from S2E3. Study for quiz Thursday/Friday.
Ecology S2 Episode 5 Stomata Lab/Photosynthesis Alternate Assignment
9/23 & 9/24
If you were absent, make sure to get points for the leaf foldable from episode 4 producers lesson. Print and complete the photosynthesis worksheet.
Quarter 2
Periods: 1, 2 12/17
Periods: 3, 4 12/18
Periods: 5, 6 12/19
Cells Exam
Periods: 3,1,6,4 12/11 Period: 2 12/12
Last day to make-up exam Monday 12/16.
Cells - S3 Episode 5 Mitosis
Periods: 3,1,6,4 12/6 Period: 2 12/9
Copy the notes into your notebook. Watch the video and then complete both worksheets.
Click here and scroll down to S3E5 Notes
Click here for video worksheet
Click here for Mitosis Worksheet
Semester 1 Study Guide
The cells portion is due the day of the Exam Periods 3,1,6,4 Wed. 12/11 and Period 2 12/12. The Ecology portion is due the day of the Final Periods 1 and 2 Tue 12/17, 3 and 4 Wed 12/18 and 6 Friday 12/19. 20 points for each portion for a total of 40 points.
Cells - S3 Episode 4 Cell Cycle
Periods: 3,6 12/4 Period: 1,2,4 12/5
Copy the notes into your notebook. Answer Ch 5.1 reading questions in your notebook by writing the question and the answer. Print out the cell cycle wheel and follow instructions to complete.
Click here and scroll down for S3E4 Notes
Click here for Ch. 5.1 Reading Notes
Click here for Ch. 5.1 Reading
Cells - S3 Episode 3 Chromosomes
Periods: 3,1,6,4 12/3 Period: 2 12/4
Answer Chapter 5.2 questions in your notebook. Write the question and the answer. Using the glossary found under biology resources define the following words in your notebook:
- Chromatin
- Histone
- Chromatid
- Centromere
- Chromosome
Click here for reading questions 5.2
Cells - S3 Episode 2 S-Phase DNA Replication
Periods: 3,6 11/26 Period: 1,2,4 12/2
Copy the notes into your notebook. Watch the video and complete the video recap worksheet. Complete DNA pairings and replication worksheet.
Click here and scroll down to S2E2 Notes and Video
Click here for video recap worksheet
Click here for DNA Pairings and Replication worksheet
Cells - S3 Episode 1 DNA Structure
Periods: 3,1,6,4 11/25 Period: 2 11/26
Copy the notes into your notebook. Complete the worksheet questions in your notebook. Print out and complete the DNA according to the worksheet instructions.
Click here for worksheet instructions and questions
Cells - Season 1/2 Quiz
Periods: 3,6 11/21 Periods: 1,2,4 11/22
Set up a time with Ms. Hart to complete the quiz. You have until 12/6.
Cells - S2 Episode 5 Organelles
Periods: 3,1,6,4 11/20 Period: 2 11/21
Print out the worksheet. Follow the instructions to complete. Glue it into the notebook.
Cells - S2 Episode 4 Osmosis
Periods: 3, 6, 11/18 Period: 1,2,4 11/19
Copy the notes into your notebook. Watch the video and complete the amoeba sister's worksheet after. Complete the osmosis worksheet
Click here and scroll down to S2 E3 Osmosis Notes and Video
Click here for Amoeba Sisters Video Worksheet
Click here for Osmosis Worksheet
Cells - S2 Episode 3 Cell Membrane
Periods: 3, 1, 6, 6 11/15 Period: 2 11/18
Copy the notes into your notebook. Watch the video and take notes. Answer questions 3.3 in your notebook.
Click here and scroll down for S2 Episode 3 Cell Membrane Notes and video
Cells - S2 Episode 2 Cell Types
Periods: 3, 6 11/13 Periods: 1,2,4 11/14
Copy the notes into your notebook. Watch the video and take notes. Answer questions 3.1 in your notebook.
Cells - S2 Episode 1 The Cell Theory
Periods: 3, 1, 6, 4 11/12 Periods: 2 11/13
See Ms. Hart for the foldable. It will no longer be available after Monday 11/18.
Watch the video and use the text to complete the foldable.
Click here for Video to complete foldable
Cells S1 Episode 3 Chemical Reactions and Enzymes
Periods: 3, 6 11/7 Periods: 1, 2, 4, 11/8
Copy the notes into your notebook. See Ms. Hart for the Enzymes worksheet. The worksheet will not be available after 11/15.
Click here and scroll down to S1 Episode 3 for notes and video
Cells S1 Episode 2 Carbon-Based Molecules - Sugar Lab
Periods: 3, 1, 6, 4 11/6 Period: 2 11/7
Copy the notes into your notebook. Watch the video and take notes. Complete the reading and answer the questions at the end.
Click here and scroll down to S1E2 Notes and video
Click here for in-class assignment worksheet
Click here for Make-up carbon-based molecules reading with questions
Cells S1 Episode 1 Properties of Water
Periods 1, 4 11/1 Periods 2, 3, 6 11/4
Copy the notes into your notebook. Watch the video and take notes.
Click here for notes and video
Ecology Quarter 2 below.
Review For Midterm
Midterm 1, 2, 4 10/31 3, 6 11/1
Complete the study guide. Due the day of the midterm. 30 points, no make-ups.
Midterm = 20% of overall grade
Ecology S3 Episode 6 Carrying Capacity
1, 2, 4, = 10/28 3, 6 = 10/29
Copy the notes into your notebook. You have until 11/4 to get the worksheet from Ms. Hart. After that time you will not be able to make up this assignment.
Ecology S3 Episode 5 Invasive Species/ S3 Episode 5 Symbiosis
Day 1 Periods: 1, 2, 4 10/22 Periods: 3, 6 10/23
Day 2 Periods: 1, 4 10/23 Periods: 2, 3, 6 10/24
Scroll down to find both S3E4/S3E5 and copy the notes. Watch all the videos. For S3E5 Symbiosis follow the instructions for the Symbiosis Wanted Poster at the end of S3E5 notes.
Click here and scroll down for S3E4 and S3E5 notes, videos and poster instructions
Periods 1, 2, 4 the poster is due Monday 10/28
Periods 3, 6 the poster is due Tuesday 10/29